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Foreign FTOs

Flight Schools in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa are approved under their respective Civil Aviation Authorities and the flight-training syllabuses are followed accordingly. There are considerable differences in the way they train the pilots but all the countries follow the minimum training requirements stipulated by the ICAO.

European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) governs the Flight schools in the European region. Each country in Europe have their respective Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA), all the CAA follow the same rules and policies of EASA. So all the countries in Europe are EASA member and EASA Pilot License is considered as the most valued license across the Globe.

Please speak to us for specific country wise flight school information. Call us at - +91 XXXXXXXXXX. Or email us at

SL NoName of FTORatingAb initioSingle EngineMulti EngineCPL/IROperational
1Airways Aviation - FranceTickTickTickTickTick
2Airways Aviation - AustraliaTickTickTickTickTick
3NZ Airline AcademyTickTickTickTickTick

*The data updated as on 31st March 2019 sourced from DGCA Website.

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